Friday, July 08, 2011
A group of six people, including myself, witnessed an unidentified flying object from the summit of Mt. Erie on Sunday, July 3, 2011. The other five were my wife Kristina (age 42), my daughter Kate (age 12), and three men who appeared to be in their mid-to-late 60s. I’m 52 years old. Mt. Erie itself is a relatively short but steep mountain amid those scattered across the San Juan Islands. At 388 meters high (or 1,273 ft.) it is the most prominent in the area and dominates the Skagit River Delta region of northwestern Washington State. It dominates Fidalgo Island and looms above a string of lakes near Deception Pass. The peak lies in the City of Anacortes park system. From the mountaintop we six saw a UFO engaged in unusual actions. Those actions were as if a machine ship or biological organism behaved as a subatomic quantum particle/wave.
The Location
Mt. Erie is noted primarily for two things. The first is the stunning panorama of views from the summit. From different points one can see into Canada and across to Vancouver Island. One can gaze in wonder across the Salish Sea to the Olympic Mountains to the west and east to the Cascades. Mt. Baker dominates the Cascades close by and Mt. Rainier anchors it beyond the distant skyscrapers of Seattle. Close by in the Cascades the rocky peaks of the Twin Sisters jut up into the sky. Bald eagles soar around the forests and over the patchwork fields of local farmers. One can at the same time stare spellbound across pastures, seas and lakes, lakes with islands in them, cliffs, big islands and little islets, mountains from two ranges, into two countries, and with a little imagination, out to the Pacific.
The second thing Mt. Erie is noted for is the variety of routes to the top. A maze of hiking trails weaved up the slopes. Rock climbers scramble like spiders up steep, rocky cliffs. Most folks, however, prefer to drive up a narrow, winding road to the tippity top. A few bicyclists will pedal their way up. Some refuse to go up at all and spend their time in boats on all that water below. I’ve hiked and climbed up a few times before and canoed two of the lakes, but I did what I usually do…drive up in my car.
We parked atop the summit. As we got out of our minivan, I noticed the time. It was 5:07 pm Pacific Time. Being almost two weeks after the Summer Solstice, it was bright and sunny. We were blessed with a gorgeous summer day with temperatures in the mid-70s and a cool breeze. I love coming to Mt. Erie. It’s been my family’s favorite place to bring out-of-state visitors, assuming the skies are clear, of course.
Kate and Kristina dashed with Jo our dog out to a lookout platform ringed with railings. I poked along with my camera. From this vantage point we could see in an arc from points east to the south and back to the west. Most of the Cascades were partially hidden by a row of jumbled clouds that reminded me of small thunderheads and cumulus clouds. Three men were already leaning out over the railings and enjoying the views. One was clearly the unofficial tour guide and pointed out various landmarks. Their conversation was a fluid mix of clear English and seemingly unaccented Spanish. Kristina is fluent in both languages. Kate knew a little Spanish, too, but I could barely remember mine.
What We Experienced
Kristina, Kate, and I looked out toward the Cascade Range. My view was focused more on the scenery below as clouds obscured much of the mountains. I glanced at my watch showed it was about 5:15 pm. Suddenly the group of three men to our right became quite animated and started pointing up in the sky and out toward the mountains.
Being hard of hearing, I got close to Kristina and quietly asked what they were talking about.
“They see something moving around in the sky.”
“Where?” I asked.
“I don’t know. Somewhere over there. Oh, there it is! Can you see it? Looks like a big black dot or something.”
I peered hard. My eyes focused upon the wall of broken clouds hanging in front of the Cascades. Suddenly, I saw it. A black object shaped like a line in the sky with a hump in the middle, like a garbage can lid with large center handles viewed on edge.
“I see it!” I shouted. “It’s a bird … an eagle soaring with its wings stretched out … floating atop the air currents.” I was about to say “thermals” when one of the men interrupted me in a friendly way.
“No, it’s not a bird,” he said. “Look at it again. It’s too far away.”
We looked again. He was right. The object did not move around as a bird or a hang glider or paraglider would upon a thermal. It was above the clouds roughly in the direction of the Twin Sisters but also in front of the clouds. As I scrutinized it closely, I realized it moved in what I called a stationary wobble. It stayed still in the air, no movement whatsoever except for a slight wobble. As the “wings of the bird” or “edges of the garbage can lid” dipped up and down they did so in such a shimmery fashion I realized the object was also rotating around its center axis. But it was too far away to see any details beyond movement and that it appeared black. The one exception was as it shimmied and rotated while wobbling in a stationary position, I could the smallest glint of sun against something reflective on the edge of the “lid” as it came around. The direction felt counterclockwise, but I couldn't tell for sure as I've seen certain types of wheel-like objects appear to spin one way while actually spinning in the opposite direction.
Kate and Kristina peered intently at it. The three middle-age men were quietly animated and focused.
“Whoa!” Kristina shouted.
“What!” What!?” I said.
I had looked away for a moment. In that time Kate and Kristina saw the object zip with dramatic speed to their right (its left) and make a half-circle crescent-like maneuver up into the sky. I turned back quickly and saw it higher in the sky. Then I watched it drop straight down. It plummeted down with incredible speed. It dropped very straight with exact precision. Down down down it shot fast fast fast. I thought it might crash into the fields and woods below. But it didn’t. Quite unexpectedly the object winked out of existence. It disappeared. From visual existence anyway. Poof! Just like that.
We were all excited now.
“What could that possibly be?” one of the men said.
“Well, it clearly wasn’t an eagle. Nor an airplane,” I said.
“Wasn’t like any bird or plane I’ve ever seen before,” said the man who acted as tour guide to the others. “I know birds. And I know airplanes. In fact I live right next to that military base down there on Whidbey Island, and I know my planes.” He motioned far below to the naval air station on the island beyond Deception Pass.
“It’s wasn’t fireworks, either,” another man said.
“Well, it was clearly an Unidentified. Flying. Object,” I said, and briefly shared with them my one other experience with a UFO back in the mid-to-late 1960s. “That was much closer and thus easier to see that it was a spaceship or some kind of metallic ship. It clearly under intelligent control, but I don’t know from who or from where.”
“Yes, that was a UFO. Must’ve been a UFO,” the other men agreed without hesitation.
“Remember, too,” I said, “that UFO doesn’t mean their alien spaceships from another planet. They could be. They might be. There’s billions and billions of planets out there in the Universe. Who knows? But that object operated as if it was under intelligent control.”
“Well, that was the very first UFO I’ve ever encountered,” Kristina said.
“Yes, that was definitely a UFO,” another gentleman said.
“That actually exhibited behaviors I’ve read about current UFO phenomena,” I said. “Instead of flying saucer we’re experiencing what many are called orbs. I don’t know what they are.”
“It’s also much bigger than we think,” I said. “It was too far away to be a bird that we thought was an eagle that looked too far away.”
“Oh, it’s much bigger than a bird,” said one of the men.
“Much bigger than a plane, too,” I said.
“Yes,” said another guy. The three men pointed out the shapes and sizes of different planes close by and also off in the distance.
“Watch that Cessna,” I said and pointed. A Cessna flew by our mountaintop and swung off toward the south. As it buzzed off into the distance it got gradually smaller and smaller and smaller.
“That UFO was further away than that Cessna AND it appeared much bigger than that little Cessna at that distance.”
“Wow,” said Kristina. “There was no noise.”
“What?” I asked. “That Cessna’s pretty loud. Even when it’s far away I can hear it droning and buzzing.”
“Oh, no,” said Kristina. “I mean the UFO. It didn’t make any sounds. There were no noises at all.”
The man who knew planes and I agreed with Kristina, too, that not only did it not make any engine or motor sounds we could hear but that the mystery object maneuvered in a way impossible.
All six of us agreed that whatever that UFO was it was not an airplane, not a jet, not a helicopter, and not balloons. Whatever the object was, it was far larger than a small airplane. How big, we could not tell. We don’t think it was as large as a big passenger jet. Nor was this UFO some kind of bird or even a flock of birds and certainly not bats. We were not hallucinating. No mass hysteria or hypnosis. None of were drugged up and or drunk. I didn’t ask the three man that, but they appeared quite sober and solid. We were all relatively calm. The UFO was not a rocket, not an angel, and not a demon or any animal-like or humanoid or divine entity or ghost we could recognize. It wasn’t marsh gas. It was not Planet Venus. It was broad daylight, still sunny bright in the late summer afternoon. That UFO was way too large to be a remote controlled toy helicopter or plane. But could it be a robot drone?
“Kate,” I asked my daughter who kept staring out into the sky with a twisted up face, “what do you think it was?”
“Mind tricks, Daddy. I think it was mind tricks.”
Well, was it mind tricks? Or a robot? Even if it was a drone, no drone I know of in the American military-industrial-intelligence complex can maneuver like that: staying absolutely still in one spot while wobbling and rotating without making any audible sound, perform incredible maneuvers involving rapid acceleration and deceleration at high velocities. I’m no engineer, but it seems such movements would generate G-forces that humans would be unable to withstand. And I could be wrong. It has been said by technology and secret weaponry buffs that research and development in the classified compartments of the military-industrial-intelligence complex often create machines and technologies 35 years ahead of what’s currently public and available on the market.
Another possible and logical answer would be that it was a machine that was itself alive and intelligent or operated by intelligent life forms from other planets and dimensions. Could be both/and/all as well. While this UFO acted as if under intelligent control, its actions upon us seeing it resembled those of a wild animal more than anything else to me.
Considering the rapid explosion of knowledge with so many new discoveries, it makes sense that our Universe teems with billions and billions of stars and billions more of planets. As the Universe is close to 14 billion earth years old, it is quite possible for life to have evolved on many of these worlds and in conditions far harsher than we have imagined. It’s possible that on some ancient planets life evolved billions of years before ours. Imagine intelligent species not just a few hundred or even a thousand years ahead of ours here on Earth, but a billion years ahead of us. Why, we talk about the coming Singularity mid-century where machine life may surpass biological life right here on our planet. Water itself also seems to be far more common than once thought. Furthermore, it seems more and more that our universe is but one inside a Multiverse of parallel or bubble universes. While we live in an awareness of four dimensions, there are dozens more dimensions.
At the moment we believe time travel and teleportation are impossible. While they may exist in certain extreme laboratory conditions and theories, such actions don’t seem possible in our mundane world with human bodies and their machines. Once upon a time, however, many scientific and engineering achievements were once thought “impossible,” including sailing ships to the far “ends of the Earth,” heavier than air flight, spaceflight, walking on the moon, deep ocean submarines, generating nuclear explosions via atomic fission and hydrogen fusion, cloning animals, harnessing brain waves to operate machinery, invisible metamaterials, and so on.
Even the cutting edge research into neurology, parapsychology, consciousness, and spiritual experiences including near-death and out-of-body experiences demonstrate there is much we simply are not able to perceive enough to measure yet anomalies exist so often as to be commonplace. The latest advances in cosmology and quantum physics with M-theory, superposition, dark matter, antimatter, black holes, holographs, and quantum entanglement challenge our understanding of reality.
One interesting thought I considered after this event was that this large physical object behaved as what I’ve recently read about quantum particles. I’m no physicist, and I read of quantum being particles and waves at the same time or moving from one state to the other, being motionless while spinning, extreme movements, and then vanishing from sight as in the wink of an eye. So what is going on here? I do not know.
There is another aspect of this strange UFO that puzzles me. The six of us stared at it. As a wild animal focused upon some task suddenly goes into “fight or flight or freeze” upon realizing it is being watched, the UFO seemed to respond accordingly. It behaved as it became aware we were focused upon it. When I shared this with Kristina, she rolled her eyes and laughed. She thought this crazy notion of mine was more in alignment with Kate’s idea of “mind tricks.” The three men weren’t around to ask by then. And Kate believes our minds made it all up as “tricks” and “shadows.” Except there wasn’t anything to cast a shadow.
Photos? Videos? Sadly, no. While I had a Nikon D90 camera slung around my neck and Kristina, Kate, and I had cell phones with cameras, none of us took any pictures. None of even tried to photographthe mystery object. First, it transfixed us. Then it moved far too fast to have captured any clear images. None of the three men attempted to take pictures either.
We all saw the same thing and experienced the same thing. I do see better than Kristina, and she hears better than me. Our interpretations, however, were based upon our knowledge of various topics, whether it was birds, airplanes, science, psychology, and UFOs themselves. All I witnessed from the summit of Mt. Erie is similar to the reports by many other people who have had close encounters with strange flying objects.
While the first UFO I saw back in Virginia with my entire family was clearly a metallic vessel or machine of some kind, this UFO was even stranger. I published a detailed account of this childhood event followed by a dive down the rabbit hole into the study of UFO phenomena and the politics of UFOs with its ramifications for our global civilization. To read my essay “UFOs: An Encounter in Virginia,” visit my blog Cultivate and Harvest at Thank you.
by William Dudley Bass
July 8, 2011
(This is from memory as well as from notes I texted from July 3, 2011.)
© 2011 by William Dudley Bass
Tears for Me
Tears welled up from my eyes - for my self - for the first time in many moons - and I felt them wet upon my face. Ever since my heart got turned to stone 27 yrs ago, even after that story was dissolved & discarded 3 yrs ago as all made up in my mind, I find it hard to cry for myself, easy to cry for others. A moving incident from a book, movie, or article - both fiction & nonfiction - can move me to generate a flood of tears. But, oh no, only a drought to dry up my soul. I felt the depth of my own sorrow at the pain I've caused those I adore so deeply. Sorrow that turned to grief and eventually via the alchemical transmutation of forgiveness & compassion up into joy.
(First shared on Facebook in Prezz Pressley's group "MEN who r NOT AFRAID 2 CRY.)
by William Dudley Bass
On Facebook on June 27, 2011;
Here on July 8, 2011
(C) 2011 by William Dudley Bass
Labels: Crying the cry
Aye, Dirt is Divine!
Aye, I like that dirty ruttin'! where all things Primal are revealed to be Divine, where all things wet & messy are but the rapture of a mango opening into your mouth, where intimacy is the portal for spirit to merge with soul, for flesh with flesh, for star dust with stardust, the many becoming one.
(Inspired posting to Prezz Pressley's Facebook Group "MEN who r NOT AFRAID 2 CRY.)
by William Dudley Bass
Posted to FB on May 26, 2011,
Here on July 8, 2011
Labels: Aye, I like that dirty rutting
I ain't no man. That's just a word. Somebody else's word. I'm not my name. I'm not my history. I'm not my past. I ain't the future; ain't happened yet. I'm not my stories - they all made up. I ain't dead - but will be eventually. I'm not my personality or my character. I'm not my identity. I'm made up in my own mind, and I'm not my self as there is no self. I ain't no ego or no id. I'm not my consciousness or my subconsciousness. I'm not my shadow or my inner child or adolescent or whatever. I ain't no woman tho I came outa one and like all humans who ain't cloned or genetically engineered with sheep & cows & chimpanzees I'm a mix of Y & X. I have all those things, but I'm not those things. I'm not my body. Yeah, I have one. But I'm not it. I ain't nothin'. Rip off all my clothes. Ain't got no shame. Ain't got no pride. Ain't got nothin'. Feelings & emotions rise up like hot scorching magma...but I let them go & cool off. I ain't nothing. There's no AM in my I. Standing in emptiness a hot flash of darkness renders naked all creation. Moving into light I start again...move into possibility...into my power...into love...cuz I'm done Seeking. Tears find me. Carve gullies down my chest and belly. Tears burn open holes in my flesh and fill my heart as wine. The more I cry the clearer I see. I cry so hard my head breaks open round my tears. Salty wine pours down my insides and out. My legs rust apart like iron and break upon my feet like clay. All dissolve into the sea. I topple into sand beyond the furthest stranglehold of my own hands. Ozymandias dead and unremembered even after the winds long blow away the sands. There is nothing but this present moment, nothing beyond death but words. Nothing explodes into everything becoming anything. Power flows and love churns reborn. Flowers crack open concrete as massive stars destroy whole galaxies. In the Bang of Big every tiny quantuum particle waves into a genesis of evolution from which arises after 14 Billion years the capacity to forgive and feel compassion, to feel empathy and love, to embrace paradox with and not or, to transcend the horror we visit upon one another, to open up and cry, and to love, and to love with power, and be love in that power. is our gift to gift as a species, our art we put out into the multiverse of billion billions of planets with billions likely teeming with life...when we finally face the mysterious beings afar will be our greatest challenge to love...and sometimes in 14 Billion years things move fast and "they" may not wait for us Humans to get our act together & stop slaughtering each other & wake up into our own power to get that LOVE powers the Universe.
(Inspired post to Prezz Pressley's Facebook Group, "MEN who r NOT AFRAID 2 CRY.")
by William Dudley Bass
May 25, 2011 on FB,
Here on July 8, 2011
(C) 2011 by William Dudley Bass
Labels: another piece of The Sacred Puzzle, Aye
Gabriel Requests Your Surrender to The One
Magnificent Gabriel came down upon the earth, folded back his wings, & clambered up into the cave above Mecca to recite the words of Allah to an illiterate merchant. Muhammed, PBUH, chose to listen in spite of his listen as if he had elephant ears...cuz he knew to be the last prophet of that axial age he had to do more than just hear so never mind the wind and rain the heat and cold the searing pain...till finally Gabriel relaxed his grasp and Muhammed, PBUP, as the great angel exhaled he the prophet inhaled, inhaled the sacred exhale of Gabriel, inhaled the Recitation, breathed to life the Qur'an, and then out across the deserts he walked and he rode, laying the foundations of the worldwide Umma, and history was never the same again. Surrender to God as freedom, not enslavement, was the greatest gift of submission. Oft misunderstood as enslavement, and still misunderstood as submitting to something way out there, while within, The ONE awaits thy ultimate surrender, inshallah.
(Inspired by "Gabriel Secret," prose poetry by Prezz Pressley posted on July 6, 2011 in the Facebook Group "MEN who r NOT AFRAID 2 CRY.")
by William Dudley Bass
July 7, 2011
(C) 2011 by William Dudley Bass
Labels: Inspired spiritual insight amid pieces of The Sacred Puzzle
The Eye of Everything
As the we ride the Earth thru endless cycles of rotations upon its revolutions around Sol, cycles that may someday stop perhaps even before Sol drags all its planets around the center of the Milky Way, light shifts, darkness expands, love heals, and across a Kosmos jammin' with spinning masses a voice shouts suddenly from the shadows before a fire blazing in the hearthmaw...jerks us awake as copies of The Rag & Bone Shop of the Heart slips from our grips...and with scolding index finger jammed up the Sacred Ass of God with 3 more dirty fingers pointing back down into Blessed Inferno...the reincarnation of Krishna Allah shakes his eyes open & peers around the circle at us & shouts again "Each one of us has a point of view. Each culture and religion has a nest of views like a den of snakes. Above, however, above us only God has View." Another shout breaks open the smoke..."Assalamu alaikum...for the 10th Avatar is here in our midst as the mystic Christ revealed not as another Prophet, but! You! Me! Yes, us, all of humanity." And the Kundalini rises blind up the spine singing "Everything is Sacred even if you hate it."
(Inspired by Prezz Pressley's poem "EYE" of 6/20/2011 warning one to consider the angle of one's sight amid the Sun and the Night when one is Wrong and one is Right.)
by William Dudley Bass
June 22, 2011
(C) 2011 by William Dudley Bass
Labels: Prose poem found amid scattered pieces of The Sacred Puzzle