Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I am not my Name

My name is William,
William Dudley Bass,
And I am not my name.

I am my Word.

Nurture, nurture myself:

I love, honor, and respect myself.
I love, honor, and respect myself.
I love, honor, and respect myself.


I am alive.

I am here, right here now.

I have a history.

I am not my history.

Nor my stories or identities.

I am not my legacy, or my reputation, or anyone’s opinion.

I am not my own beliefs, views, or interpretations.
I have my beliefs, views, or interpretations I give meaning to,
Of course,
But I am not any of those...things.

I am here, right here now,
And I am alive.

What happened is what happened, just what happened.
Meanings, interpretations, perceptions, views, myths, filters, beliefs
Are all made up,
All stories,
And stories are lies.
Unless it is, of course, called “a true story.”
Would that be a false lie?

We all have views,
And only God has View.
If such exists, either View...or God.

Views are not truths,
just events filtered, deleted, and interpreted by mind.
I am not my body or my feelings and emotions or even my thoughts.
I do have a body, and with feelings, emotions, and thoughts, of course,
But am not any of those...things.

Even a construct of mind is made up by the mind to be a construct of mind.

In the beginning and yet again there was nothing leaving nothing but The Word.

I am my Word.


(Influenced by works as diverse as Landmark Education, Peak Potentials Trainings, Scott Brooks’ mythopoetic men’s work, and Jeff Shushan’s psychotherapy and counseling.)

by William Dudley Bass
April 20, 2011
(C) 2011 by William Dudley Bass



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, So you've done the Landmark Forum? Excellent choice.

You know, I don't remember your ever mentioning the UFO incident, but it's really interesting to hear about something of that sort occurring in Rice. Of course, you may have mentioned it and I've just forgotten. So many of the conversations we once had are a bit fuzzy for me now.

In any case, I was just reading some of your blog and thought I'd interject my two cents. Get in touch sometime if you'd like.

P Perkins (

3:49 PM  

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