Wednesday, April 13, 2011

All Eyes Are

When I am certain
No one is watching,
Not a single soul,
When I am certain
No one can see me,
I stop.

I sit,
and meditate.
I sit on a cushion and feel
my own breath alive in me
and outside of me.

Complete but never done,
I rise to sing,
and dance,
and rock my pelvis
at nothing in particular,
just to loosen up my hips.

Naked I stand.
Naked I twirl.
Feeling foolish,
Feeling good,
A hairy man in my early 50s.
Why, I am not even old yet.
I could live another 50 years,
or drop dead before I finish this sentence.

As I sit so alone and so naked
and half-aroused,
dreaming of mounting vibrant, exciting women
who dare look me deep in the eyes
to see if they trust my soul,
I realize
God is watching me.
That He watches from above and from within
as Goddess watches from below and all around.
She slithers up inside to me to embrace God.
I feel a quiet explosion of Love and Power
expanding from that unity of Spirit and communion of all Souls.

All eyes are upon me naked,
even if many are closed.
Everyone sees me,
and in looking out together
I see myself.
Everyone sees me
as we see you.

by William Dudley Bass
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

(C) 2011 by William Dudley Bass



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